Field Trips
Field Trips
We will be going on 5 field trips during the semester. I will begin each site visit with a short lecture that introduces you to the particular environment and connects it to previous lessons.The remainder of the site visit is yours to explore and document discoveries in small groups (You can sign-up for your group here if you haven't already).
Group Discovery
Each group will be required to find, document, and share some aspect of the environment. Using either a department provided Flip cam or your video camera on your mobile device, record a short video of your finding.
Upload or record your video directly to the current week's discussion forum. If you don't include a detailed description of your finding in the video itself, write one up. Refer to the field log guide for more info.
Be sure to also include the group members who participated.
After posting your group video and log entry, you will then individually be responsible for responding to the other groups' postings (at least 2). Your responses should link what you are seeing to specific facts and theories that we have learned about. They shouldn't just be compliments on the video (though encouragement is always a plus)!
These discussions will continue two weeks after the posting due date.
You will be assessed on your group participation and discussion responses by the rubric attached to each discussion assignment.
See the course Calendar for a current schedule of Field Trips and Field Trip Discussions.