Preparing for Exams
Before you take a test (or exam, or quiz, or assessment; whatever your teacher may call it), be sure you
- know what kind of questions you will be asked (essay, multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, matching, etc.)
- study ahead of time
- review material ahead of time
- know what you are being tested on (which material, topics, lectures, videos, discussions, etc.)
- know if the test covers just the current material, or all the material in the course up through now
- know if the test is timed or not (if timed, how much time?)
- know how many chances you get to take the test
- know what are you allowed to use during the tests (calculator, book, notes, special materials, nothing, etc.)
- know when will you get your test results
- know if you take tests online or if will you need a proctor
- schedule time to take your test
And get yourself ready, personally
- go to the bathroom
- get a cup of tea if that will help
- be in a quiet room
- have someone watch your children and keep them occupied
- turn off your cell phone
- have a sharpened pencil and paper if you'll need them
- have a working calculator if you're allowed
- clear out space around your keyboard and mouse
- close a door if you can and keep yourself away from pets, noises, etc.
- if you test better with music, use it if allowed
- get comfortable (sweat pants? deep breath?)