Grading Schemes

About Grading Schemes 

A grading scheme provides a set of criteria by which to evaluate the achievement of your students with respect to either an entire course or with respect to a give assignment in a course.  Grading schemes convert an assigned percentage range (e.g., 94%-100%) to a letter grade (i.e., A, A-, B+, B, B-, etc.).  

This guide is designed to address three related topics:

(1) What a grading scheme is, as well as how to create, manipulate, enable, and disable a grading scheme.

(2) What Boston College's default grading scheme is and how to interact with it.

(3) How grades look both to instructors and students when a grading scheme is enabled or disabled. 

Please note that the following instructions proceed cumulatively. 

Applying The Default Grading Scheme To An Assignment

Evaluating An Assignment With the Default Grading Scheme

Creating and Enabling A Custom Grading Scheme

Disabling A Custom Grading Scheme For An Assignment

Enabling A Course Grading Scheme