Customize "My Courses" List

When you are enrolled in more than one Canvas course, you can customize the active courses you want displayed in your Course list.  Courses you want displayed on the Dashboard or in the Course List menu are called "favorite" courses.  You can favorite any published course that appears in the "My Courses" section on the course list page.

Open Courses

Click on the "Courses" tab in the Global Navigation menu on the left side of the page and then select "All Courses" from the menu. 


Manage Courses

Click the "favorite" icon next to a course to add or remove the course from the Courses list.  Courses with yellow icons indicate a favorite course and are included on the Dashboard and the "Courses" tab. 


[Note: Customizations made to the "My Courses" list take effect once you navigate elsewhere in Canvas, or after refreshing the page.]