Share Your Syllabus with Syllabus Search

"Syllabus Search" is a Canvas tool that provides instructors the opportunity to share course syllabi with students in the BC Canvas community.  When an instructor chooses to share their syllabus, it becomes searchable in the "syllabus search" database and allows students to make more informed decisions during the course registration and drop/add periods. An instructor may update or unshare their syllabus at any time.

Syllabus Search Video Tutorial

Play media comment.

Canvas Syllabus

Syllabus Search works through the "Syllabus" tool in Canvas. The Canvas Syllabus is automatically generated based on Assignments and Events within a course, and may be edited to include any of the following content: text such as course descriptions, links to external URLs, images, embedded media such as audio and video clips, as well as a digital version of your course syllabus (for example, in Word Doc or PDF formats).

If you do not plan to use the various functions of the syllabus page but still want to make a digital version of your syllabus searchable, you may simply upload a file to the syllabus page. When students search for your course in syllabus search, they will see a downloadable version of your syllabus.  For instructions on how to upload a file to the syllabus page, please visit the “How do I edit the Syllabus description in a course?” documentation.

For more information on the all the functions of the Canvas Syllabus page, please visit the “How do I use the Syllabus as an instructor?” documentation.

Sharing to Syllabus Search

Select "Syllabus Search" from the course navigation menu.



To include your course syllabus in the Syllabus Search, select "Yes" [1]. Confirmation that your syllabus has been shared will appear.  Here, you have the option to either remove your syllabus from the search [2], or refresh the syllabus in search if you've made any changes or updates on the course syllabus page [3].  
