Student View in Canvas

The Student View allows instructors to see what course content, assignments, quizzes, and other activities look like from a student's vantage point.  Student View can be helpful as you review your course to ensure that the assignments and course materials that you have created are working as you intend.  Generally, most content looks the same to instructors and students in Canvas, but it can be helpful to view your course from the perspective of your students when working with grading and assignments. 

Student View can also be used to submit dummy assignments in your course, which will allow you to practice grading in SpeedGraderTM and to practice entering grades in the Canvas Gradebook.

If you submit a dummy assignment for grading as the Test Student, a row in the grade book appears with the name "Test Student".  You can also remove any content you submitted as a student by clicking Reset Student, located on the grey bar at the bottom of the page when in Student View. 

Step-by-step instructions

Entering Student View

You can find the student view by clicking the "Settings" link in the left sidebar. 


Then, click on "Student View" on the right side of the page. 


Leaving Student View

To leave student view, click the "Leave Student View" button in the bottom right corner of the page. 
