Using the Calendar

The calendar tool in Canvas collects events and assignments across all your courses into a single view, providing a useful overview of upcoming events and tasks. 

Best Practices

  • Course-related Events: Use calendar events to describe the topic and activities for each class session. 
  • Special Events: Use the calendar to highlight special events outside the normal class schedule.
  • Appointment Scheduling: Use the Scheduler to have students sign up for office hours or individual conferences.

A Comparison of Events and Assignments

  • Events have a start and end date, while Assignments have a single due date. 
  • Assignments with a date will automatically show up on the calendar alongside events.
  • Both calendar events and assignments show up on the schedule in the Syllabus tool.
  • Calendar events are managed on the calendar, while Assignments can be added from either the calendar or from the Assignments page in your course.

For further information, see these guides from Instructure: