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Paper Rubric
Paper Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
Content Coverage
The content is comprehensive, accurate, and/or persuasive.
threshold: pts
10 pts
All key elements related to the topic are thoroughly covered
4 pts
Most key elements are covered
3 pts
Some key elements are missed, or coverage is not thorough
2 pts
Not thorough or missing major elements
1 pts
Coverage is superficial at best
0 pts
10 pts
Mechanics & Usage
Refers to grammar, usage of verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs etc, punctuation.
threshold: pts
5 pts
Control of grammar is impeccable
3 pts
Control of grammar and usage is inconsistent
1 pts
Control of grammar and usage is poor, with frequent mistakes.
0 pts
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Applies scientific information
Apply sources of scientific information and the use of scientific literature in geosciences and related fields. (GenEd Goal 2 – Critical Thinking)
threshold: 3 pts
5 pts
Exceeds Expectations
3 pts
Meets Expectations
0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
5 pts
Uses logic to organize, analyze, and argue

Uses logic to organize and analyze discussion of or arguments about scientific topics.

threshold: 3 pts
5 pts
Exceeds Expectations
3 pts
Meets Expectations
0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
5 pts
Accurate use of citations & references

Accurate use of citations and references in work, following academic standards for bibliographies. Selections cover breadth and depth of the topic, and illustrate scientific context of work.

threshold: 3 pts
5 pts
References are useful, and citations are accurate
3 pts
Minor errors in citations, or some failure to use references effectively
1 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
5 pts
Total Points: 30 out of 30