Evaluating An Assignment With the Default Grading Scheme
Navigate to the grade book and find the column corresponding to the assignment that is using the default grading scheme.
If students have submitted work online, then you can grade in Speedgrader as well.
Add the grade by clicking on the box corresponding to the appropriate student.
For this demonstration, we've inserted grades for 'Test Student'.
You can insert the grade in points.
… or as a percentage.
In both of these cases, once you click out of the box, the entered grade will be rendered as a letter grade.
Note, however, that the corresponding point total remains visible as well. Also note that, if desired, you can prevent students from seeing their grades for an assignment if you "mute" the grade book column. To later allow students to see their grades, "unmute" the the column.
You can also insert a letter grade directly, which will generate the same result.
Keep in mind, though, that when you enter a letter grade only, Canvas will choose the highest number of points possible in a given letter grade range.
To see how this grade will look to a sample student, enter Student View and click on 'Grades' in the left-hand course navigation bar.
Note: This step works properly only if your grades were entered for 'Test Student' in the gradebook.