Enabling A Course Grading Scheme
This section will discuss how to add or remove both default and custom grading schemes that apply to the final grade.
Three important items to bear in mind:
(1) Although instructors can see final grades for students, students cannot see their final grades in Canvas by default. This can be changed in settings.
(2) Changes to the course grading scheme affect final grades *only*. It does not apply the grading scheme to the individual assignments that make up the final grade.
(3) Any assignment's grading scheme affects that assignment *only*. It will not be reflected in the final grade or in any other assignments.
Proceed to your course's home page, and select 'Settings' from the left-hand course navigation column.
Unless you have made a change, you'll see that the box next to 'Enable Course Grading Scheme' is checked.
If you don't want Canvas to calculate a letter grade for your students' final grades, uncheck the box and click "Update Course Details". If you want to use the default grading scheme, you don't have to do anything.
To enable a custom grading scheme for the course, click 'set grading scheme.'
Click 'Select Another Scheme'.
Choose your custom grading scheme from the list. Then click 'Use This Grading Standard.'