Adding Media to your Canvas Site
Following Best Practices
Canvas provides a password-protected environment to allow posting of curricular materials for enrolled students, as long as Fair Use practices are followed. IDeS staff can assist instructors in determining how best to work with content to meet their teaching goals and address Fair Use concerns. Please read the Copyright Guidelines Download Copyright Guidelines, and contact for help in getting started.
Adding your own Media
Recording in Canvas
This feature allows you to record a brief video or audio from within any page, Discussion or Assignment, to speak directly to your students.
Uploading Files Directly into Canvas
This feature allows you to bring in brief video or audio that you have saved on your computer, and add it to any page, Discussion or Assignment.
Uploading Video through Panopto Links to an external site.
Panopto can be used to make screen recordings such as narrated PowerPoints or online tutorials. It can also allow instructors to upload longer recordings they have created outside of Canvas.
Adding Media from BC Libraries
Canvas allows you to link to media from Films on Demand and other databases, as well as audio and video in Library collections. For more information, see the LibGuide Library and Canvas Integration: Video Resources Links to an external site., and contact for any questions about adding media in Canvas.
For information on discovering content, see the LibGuide on Finding Films: Streaming Video and DVDs Links to an external site. or seek help from your Subject Specialist.
Embed a Video from the Streaming Server
Clips from DVDs and other videos in BC Libraries or owned by the instructor can be embedded in Canvas. CTE staff can assist with this, and O'Neill Library staff can assist with preparing the media. This option works best for longer recordings.
Embed Audio from the Streaming Server
Content from CDs and other audio sources owned by BC Libraries or the instructor can be linked in Canvas. CTE staff can assist with this, and O'Neill Library staff can assist with preparing the media.