Adding people to your Canvas course
In People, you can grant other colleagues, teaching assistants, and support staff access to your course. You may wish to add another person to your course to help you develop and manage the course site, to share ideas about teaching in your content area, or even to collaborate with colleagues working on a similar project or group site together. The people you assign can be given roles (see User Roles And Abilities) which will restrict access to certain features of your site. For example, you may wish to grant a colleague or a teaching assistant access to course modules, but not access to student grades.
As an instructor, you cannot grant BC students access to your site. All students are added through Boston College's UIS registration system, such that only students officially registered for the course will be able to access the Canvas site. If a student recently registered for your course, they will be given access to your Canvas site within a 24 hour period.
Step-by-step instructions
From the Home page of your Canvas course select the "People" button on the left navigation bar.
Next, select the "Add People" button.
Add the email address of the person you would like to add to your course.
- **Remember to use the email format.
Select the appropriate role for the individual: Teacher, Grader Role, TA, Designer, Librarian, Observer.
If you have multiple sections of a course, be sure you are adding the person or people to the correct section.
If adding a Teacher, Grader, or TA, select the box next to “Can Grade Students in their section only” if it applies. Click Next.
A confirmation screen will appear once the user ID has been validated. Click "Add Users" to finish the process.
Click "Done" to exit back to your course.
Once the user has been added, they will receive an email notification from Canvas inviting them to the course.