Take home
- Due Oct 17, 2014 by 3pm
- Points 30
- Submitting a file upload
Introduction to Liturgy
Take-Home Exam
Fall 2014
John F. Baldovin, S.J.
In clear well-written and well organized essays of 3-4 double-spaced (12pt) pages apiece please respond to both of the following.
- Trace the development of the Eucharistic Prayers from the post-New Testament period through the 16th century Reformation, using the Oxford History as well as the primary sources placed on Blackboard. Besides the chapters we have read you will probably also want to consult Oxford History pp. 395-403; 436-446; 492-503.
- Identify a theme, e.g. centrality of paschal mystery, liturgy as theologia prima, creativity v. objectivity in the readings on liturgical theology from Vogel. Discuss this theme in three of the authors we have read – at least one from each week – plus one the following whom we have not read in class: Dalmais, Casel, Guardini, Underhill, Häussling, Wainwright, von Allmen, Brunner or Hoon. [If you have difficulty identifying which extra author to read, please consult me and I will help.]
Please submit the paper to me electronically on Canvas by 5 pm, October 17.