Feast exegesis
- Due Nov 24, 2014 by 3pm
- Points 30
- Submitting a file upload
Intro to Liturgy – 2nd paper – “feast exegesis”
In a 6-8 page paper (12 pt – double-spaced) due on November 24 at noon [note change of date].
Choose one of the following solemnities or feasts on the Roman Calendar: Epiphany (Jan 6), Presentation of the Lord (Feb 2), Annunciation (March 25), Ascension (Thurs., 6th week of Easter), Assumption of the BVM (Aug 15), Triumph of the Holy Cross (Sept 14), All Saints (Nov 1) or Immaculate Conception of the BVM (Dec 8).
The purpose of the exercise is to articulate a theology of the feast in question on light of all of the texts which the Church presents us with – from the Missal, the Lectionary and the Liturgy of the Hours. Your paper should include a clear thesis statement: “This feast is about….” And then you should show how you come to that conclusion based on the texts. You may consult basic commentaries (Adolf Adam, The Liturgical Year, Adrien Nocent, The Liturgical Year [3 vols. 2013 ed.], Paul Bradshaw and Maxwell Johnson, The Origins of Feasts, Fasts and Seasons in Early Christianity, Patrick Regan, Advent to Pentecost if you like.
You may want to introduce the paper with a brief history of the feast in question and by situating it within the liturgical cycle as a whole, but I do not want the majority of the paper to be taken up with this.