Course Syllabus


George Wyner







Fulton 254D (@Fulton254D)

Office Hours:

Mon 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Wed 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Fri 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM

Also: please feel free to make an appointment ( – initially these times are only on Friday afternoons) or stop by. Check @Fulton254D for my latest whereabouts.

Teaching Assistants:

Bella Dinelli (
Mercedes Kephart (
Morgan Montgomery (
Paddy Murphy (
Kerry Nasta (
Jack Presti (
Evangeline Shi (
Connor Sullivan (
Sam Temple (
Eva Van Pelt (
Jeffrey Vukelic (
Daniel Wieber (

TA Office Hours:

will be posted on Canvas

Note:  You can also download a pdf version of this syllabus.

Note: Tableau's data visualization software is provided through the Tableau for Teaching program.


This is an introductory course on information technology (IT) and its use in modern organizations. During the past few decades, IT has transformed companies—their business processes, decision-making structures, corporate strategies, and interactions with customers and suppliers. Scan the business news on any day and you will be reading not only about businesses whose success is due to a technology-infused product line or business strategy, but also about businesses struggling with IT issues, whether security breaches or disruptive challenges from new technology upstarts.  As a result, managers and entrepreneurs face significant IT related challenges in their work including:  how to justify large IT investments, how to manage risks, how to choose the appropriate technology, and how to integrate the technology with existing processes and systems.

To address these challenges, this course will focus on the central questions:

  1. How do organizations use information technology to improve their business processes and create competitive advantage?
  2. How do managers employ information technology to solve problems and make critical business decisions?

We will tackle these questions by:

  • learning about key business and technology concepts,
  • developing a set of frameworks for applying these concepts to the analysis of business situations,
  • applying these frameworks to the analysis of actual companies who are using technology to transform their businesses,
  • learning to use spreadsheet software (Microsoft Excel) to analyze complex business problems, and
  • getting hands on with key technology skills, including programming, working with databases, web design, and data visualization.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course you should be able to:

  • Understand and discuss various management concepts and issues related to systems and technologies.
  • Assess the current role of IS in an organization, identify areas for the strategic use of IS, and understand where technology makes firms and markets vulnerable to disruption. You will have a recall-level awareness of several successful and failed attempts to use IS for competitive advantage so that in meetings you will be able to back up any assertions with concrete examples.
  • Use Excel to solve challenging business problems. You will learn how to write formulas, use functions to summarize data, handle conditions, and calculate important financial functions.  You will also learn how to create charts, link multiple data sets using lookup functions, and analyze data using pivot tables.
  • Use charts and tables to communicate business information effectively. Excel is not just a tool for solving problems, it is used to communicate your analysis to colleagues and clients.  In addition to learning how to crunch numbers you will learn to display your analysis in an effective manner.
  • Demonstrate a basic knowledge of key technology skills including writing a simple program, querying a database, creating a simple website from scratch, and using visualization software.

Course Website

The course website is hosted here on Canvas.  This site includes an updated version of the course schedule along with detailed directions on how to complete and submit all course assignments.


I will be using Gradescope ( for some of the grading and assignment feedback.  While exercises will be submitted via Canvas, most other assignments will be submitted through Gradescope (not Canvas), and grades and comments will be returned through Gradescope. As soon as grades are posted, you will be notified immediately so that you can log in and see your feedback. Grades will always be posted to Canvas as well, so you can check your course grade on Canvas at any time.  I will be providing instructions on how to access Gradescope and how to submit assignments and access your feedback.

Lecture Capture

Lectures will be recorded and made available via Canvas (look for the Panopto Recordings link on the left-hand navigation menu).  Note that the recording includes video and sound recording from the classroom.  The recording runs from the start of the hour for 50 minutes.  If class ends early, the recording will still be running.  If you have any concerns about lectures being recorded in general or for any particular session, please let me know.  I can always edit or delete any particular recording session.


There are two required books for class.

For the Excel material, we will be using:  Mastering Excel 2016: A Problem-Solving Approach (2nd Edition) by James Gips.  Pearson, 2017.  ISBN 978-1323759400.

For the information systems strategy and technology topics we will be using Information Systems: A Manager's Guide to Harnessing Technology by John Gallaugher, v. 8.0, December 2019, Flat World Knowledge.

The Gips book is available at the bookstore.  The Gallaugher textbook can be purchased by following the link above.

Both textbooks will also be on reserve at the O’Neill Library.

A Note for Students in the Monsterrat Coalition:

The Gallaugher text is usually purchased online, not via the BC Campus Bookstore, although there is also an option to purchase at the bookstore, which gives you a code you can use to get access online. If you are a student in the Montserrat Coalition, contact them and share info above regarding what you need to purchase. Feel free to have someone from Montserrat Coalition reach out to coordinate with me, if that is necessary, but do this immediately so that you don't fall behind.

Online Readings

In addition to the textbooks, I will be assigning several online readings (links will be posted on Canvas).

Software & Web Applications

Part of our agenda in this course is to develop a hands-on understanding of a range of information technologies.  First-hand experience with technology will add depth to our discussion of the strategic import of these technologies for business and will help to support our goal of obtaining a working knowledge of key technical concepts.  While the primary hands-on experience in the course will be using Excel, we will also from time to time explore other technologies including relevant web applications and software already loaded on your PC or Mac.  I will let you know in advance if you should bring your laptop to class.


You will need access to Microsoft Excel in order to complete most of the exercises and all of the problem sets.  You can install Excel on your laptop or use computers in O’Neill Library. Excel 2016 (or Excel in the Office 365 suite) is recommended for both Mac and Windows, but you can continue to use Excel 2013 for Windows and Excel 2011 for the Mac if you have one of these versions on your computer.  See Getting Excel On Your Computer for details about how to install or upgrade Excel.

Poll Everywhere

We will be using Poll Everywhere to add to the interactivity of the classroom.  I will post questions in class and you will be able to respond by text message, web browser, or by using the free mobile app. Answers are not used for grading but will help me (and you) to assess your understanding of course topics and also to get some input for class discussions.  I will explain how to get set up on Poll Everywhere in class.

Other Technologies

We will be working with a number of other technologies including:

  • The Python programming language
  • SQL (the language of relational databases)
  • Tableau (software for visualizing data)
  • HTML and CSS (the language of web design)
  • A “low code” app development environment (still choosing the technology)
  • Miscellaneous “power user” apps, especially those which support automation

Details on how to install and work with these apps will be provided later in the semester.


The course grade will be based on the following items, each of which will be explained below:

Exercises & Workshops


Excel Challenges


Problem Sets






Tech Skills Portfolio




Short Paper


Final Exam




Final letter grades will be based on the following ranges: A [95 and above]; A- [90-95); B+ [87-90); B [83-87); B- [80-83); C+ [77-80); C [73-77); C- [70-73); D+ [67-70); D [63-67); D- [60-63); F (below 60].

In general, students in this course can expect a grading distribution as follows: 

  • 25-35% of students can expect to receive A's for excellent work
  • 50-70% of students can expect to receive B's for good or very good work
  • 5-15% of students can expect to receive C's or less for adequate or below work

The average grade for the course would typically be around a B+. Note that while I offer this range as a guide for what to expect, the actual distribution for this course and your own grade will depend upon how well you actually perform in this course!

Exercises & Workshops.  For some classes, you will be asked to complete a brief exercise before class.  This will usually involve demonstrating mastery of some Excel technique.  I am asking you to learn about and practice these Excel techniques before we discuss them in class.  I will assign one or more short videos to watch as well as pages in the textbook to help you learn the technique.  These exercises are intended to take no more than 30 minutes to complete.  In addition to these before-class exercises there will be a small number of in-class workshops that will challenge you to apply your Excel skills in a small group in real time. Details will be provided on Canvas. 

Resubmitting Exercises: You will have an opportunity to resubmit each exercise once for regrading.  The highest grade you receive will be your grade for that exercise. Note that each exercise has a due date and an available until date.  The due date is generally 9am on the day of class. Assignments are graded on a 5 point scale, with late assignments receiving a maximum of 4.5 points. After you receive feedback on your first submission you can resubmit the assignment once for an improved grade.  No resubmits are accepted after the “available until” date. Finally, note that if your original submission was late, your highest possible score on a resubmit is 4.5 out of 5 points.

Late Passes for Exercises: Given the large number of exercises and the penalty for late submissions, I want to give you some flexibility.  Life happens and you might need a break from a deadline or two.  Accordingly, you have three “late passes” you can use on the exercises. To cash in one of your late passes, just post a comment on the submission page with the words “I am using a late pass for this assignment” (or the equivalent).  You should keep track of your late passes since you only have three.  Note that if you are out with an illness or for a religious observance or any other “extenuating circumstance,” please let me know as in that situation I will grant an extension without use of a late pass.

Excel Challenges. Additional problems will be assigned to help you bridge the gap between the relatively straightforward Excel exercises and the quite challenging problem sets.  While you will not be able to resubmit these challenge problems, we will be providing extensive help in doing them during office hours.  You are encouraged to get help working through these problems but you should make sure you understand how to do them on your own so that you are ready for the harder problems on the problem sets and exams.

Problem Sets.  Problem sets test your Excel skills, including your ability to use Excel to solve complex problems.  There will be four problem sets assigned during the course.  Each problem set will include several challenging problems and will take a significant amount of time (a minimum of several hours and possibly longer).   Unlike exercises, there is no option to resubmit a problem set for additional credit.  It is important that you do these assignments on your own.  If you have a question about a problem set, you should contact the instructor or a TA for guidance.  I strongly advise you to start every problem set within a day or two of receiving it, so that you will be able to find out where you have questions and get them answered in class or in office hours. You should not leave these to the last minute.  Late assignments are not accepted unless I agree you have a very compelling reason.  Solutions to the problem sets will often be discussed in class on the day they are due.  It is your responsibility to submit your assignments on time.  Problem sets will be made available on Canvas and should be submitted online before the deadline.

Quizzes.  There will be three closed book, closed notes quizzes during the course. These will be short (20 minute) assessments of your understanding of course concepts.  The first quiz will focus on Excel skills and will help you prepare for the midterm.  This quiz will be taken using paper and pencil (not a computer).  You will be given some practice in advance working in this way and we will discuss why we are using this “retro” format for a technology quiz. The other two quizzes will focus primarily on technology and strategy concepts.  These latter two quizzes will consist of short answer questions. Information about the precise format and content of each quiz will be provided in advance on Canvas.

Midterm.  The midterm will be an in-class assessment of your Excel learning.  It will be similar in format to the first quiz.  However, the midterm will be a full 50 minutes and will therefore include more and larger problems.  Details about the midterm will be provided later in the course. 

Tech Skills Portfolio.  A series of tech skills workshops will take place during the semester.  Each workshop will cover a key technology skill.  You will be free to work together in groups and will be asked to submit an assignment to demonstrate your basic competency in each skill. In order to receive credit on each assignment you must achieve “B level” work, in which case you will receive full credit.  You will have one opportunity to resubmit each assignment in order to get credit.  Please take into account the feedback from your first submission and consider getting feedback on your revised assignment before you resubmit it.

Participation. Your class participation grade reflects your contribution to class discussion.  I am happy to give you feedback about your participation at any point in the semester and to talk about strategies for increasing your class participation.  In addition to in-class participation, contributions to discussions on Canvas (optional) will also be counted towards your participation grade and there will be an opportunity to earn class contribution by suggesting exam questions (details to be provided during the semester). 

Short Paper.  A two-page paper will be assigned in the second half of the course.  This paper will give you an opportunity to reflect on the information systems concepts we are studying and their implication for business strategy.  Details for this assignment will be provided on Canvas later in the course.

Final Exam.  The purpose of the final exam is to provide one final assessment of your learning of course topics.  The final is closed book and closed notes and is a comprehensive test both of your Excel skills and of your recall-level knowledge of managerial concepts, strategic frameworks, technologies, and the issues and examples highlighted in the readings and covered in class.  The final will take place at the time scheduled by the University: May 4 at 4pm (location will be announced prior to the final). Note that this course uses common exam time for all sections of Digital Technologies, so this is not the exam time you will see for other courses meeting at our class time.

Extra Credit

There will not be any extra credit assignments possible during the course. Therefore, be sure to keep up with the exercises, problem sets, and other assignments.  Get feedback on your performance on the early exercises and quizzes in order to better prepare for later assignments and the final exam. 


Expect the course to be challenging, fun, and valuable!

Please show up on time and be prepared to actively participate. Arriving late is a disruption. Expect that you will be called on to share your knowledge.

The Excel portions of the course depend heavily on your completing the assigned videos and exercises in advance of class.  The Excel material builds as we move through the semester and it is important that you keep up with the course as we go.  If you find yourself falling behind for whatever reason, please seek help from me and from the teaching assistants.  We are committed to helping every student learn this material and there will be resources for helping you to get and stay on track.  It is up to you, however, to seek out this assistance.

Use of Laptops and Mobile Devices

This course is focused on information technology and we will be using laptops in class on a regular basis.  However, laptops can be a tremendous distraction in a classroom setting.  Our classroom discussions will be intellectually challenging, and it goes without saying that the Internet offers many tempting escapes from this level of focus.  Therefore, classroom policy is that laptops are to be closed except when doing an in-class exercise, taking notes, or following along with an Excel example.  If you do not absolutely need your laptop I suggest you keep it closed.  Cell phones and tablets should be silenced and set aside except when needed (e.g. for Poll Everywhere). I reserve the right to adjust the class participation grade in response to classroom use of devices that creates a distraction for me or other students.

Academic Integrity

In this course our learning process will be highly collaborative, but be sure that individual assignments represent your own work.  When collaboration is permitted on an assignment this will be clearly indicated; otherwise you should always assume that the assignment is individual in nature. Cheating, copying the work of others, talking during exams, or any other breach of academic integrity will be pursued with the utmost seriousness.  If you are confused or stuck on an assignment, the best thing to do is to ask me or a teaching assistant for help. Actual cases of cheating are generally dealt with severely.  People have failed courses and been kicked out of school for this.  Please refer to BC’s academic integrity policy for further information:

Disability Services

If you are a student with a documented disability seeking reasonable accommodations in this course, please contact Kathy Duggan, (617) 552-8093,, at the Connors Family Learning Center regarding learning disabilities and ADHD, or Rory Stein, (617) 552-3470,, in the Disability Services Office regarding all other types of disabilities, including temporary disabilities. Advance notice and appropriate documentation are required for accommodations.  

Take Care of Yourself!

If you are feeling stressed, having challenges managing your time, sleep, or making choices around alcohol and food, the Office of Health Promotion (OHP) offers Individual and Group Health Coaching appointments with a trained Health Coach. Please reach out by going to the Health Promotion website or walk over to Gasson 025 and talk with a staff member.

In addition, if you are having difficulty with the course or find yourself falling behind, please reach out.  If you can’t make office hours, we will find another time to meet.  I will help you to make a plan to get back on track and we will work together to see that your experience in the course is a positive one.


In addition to the course website and course materials there are some other resources which you may find useful during the semester.  See Useful Resources.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due