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CSOM Catalyst Module: Big Data [Wyner]
Data has become an ever more powerful source of competitive advantage for modern enterprises. New technologies and business practices have led to an “orders of magnitude” change in the amount of data available for analysis, as well as to techniques, often referred to as analytics or business intelligence, which are now available to derive meaning from that data. The term “big data” refers to the sometimes surprising implications emerging from these changes in both the scale and type of data available to analyze. The Big Data Module is intended to provide managers, leaders, entrepreneurs, and knowledge workers in general with a deeper understanding of how data can be structured, captured, and queried in order to support decision-making, process and product innovation, and strategic insight.
ISYS2160.01 Spring 2019 Special Topics: Swift/iOS App Development [Gallaugher]
In this fast-paced course, students will learn the Swift programming language and iOS app development skills. Using a "flipped-classroom" approach, the students take lectures in a series of online videos embedded in a web-based course/reference/quiz book, following along with videos as they learn programming concepts and build apps. Although this is a flipped class, expect a challenging course. Class is mandatory (this is NOT an online course) and class time will be used for additional exercises, concept review, and student questions. Students are required to bring a fully-charged Mac laptop to each class with the latest version of Apple's free Xcode software installed (make sure you have access to a Mac that meets these requirements before enrolling). While this course is rigorous, challenging, and covers a broad set of topics at a rapid pace, the course assumes no prior programming experience. Students should be prepared to spend significant time each week on self-directed learning and regular programming projects. This course can be used in place of ISYS 2157 Programming for Management for credit toward the Information Systems concentration.