Participating in a Group
If you are enrolled in groups, they will appear under "Courses & Groups" at the top of the page.
You can also navigate to a group through the course site. Once in a course site, click the “People” link in the course navigation on the left side of the screen.
Then, click the “View User Groups” button on the far right of the screen.
On this page you will see:
- All of the course groups that you belong to on the top of the list.
- Any course groups you are able to join below the title “Available Groups”.
- If you would like to leave a group, and your professor has provided you the option of doing so, you can do so through the “Leave this Group” link on the right side of the group title.
- If you would like to join a group, and you have the option to do so, click the “Join this Group” link to the right side of the group title.
To enter a group space, click the name of the group you would like to participate in.
The group navigation menu looks similar to the course menu, but they are completely separate. To move from the Group menu to the Course menu, look for the Course name or number in italics at the top of the menu under the Group name.
Your participation within your group space will only be visible to your professor and your group members. Within groups you can:
- Participate in "Discussions".
- Create pages within your group's wiki space via "Pages".
- Begin "Collaborations" with your group using the Google Docs integration.
To turn in a group assignment, you must select the assignment from the list of assignments from the course and submit it that way. See the tutorial on assignments for more information.
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