Submitting Peer Reviews

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Play media comment.this is a media comment

Follow these steps:

Select your course from "Courses & Groups".



Click "Assignments" on the left hand side of the page. 



Locate and click the assignment title.



To complete a peer review: In the “Submission” box on the right side of the screen, select the name of the assigned peer under “Assigned Peer Reviews.”

  • Professors have the option to limit your access to peer review so that you must submit your own assignment before reviewing others, which may be the case if an “Assigned Peer Review” is not available.



If the submitted assignment you are reviewing is a Microsoft Word document, you will be able to annotate direction onto the submission. To do this you must click on the “view feedback” button to the right of the file name.   

  • If it is another type of document, like a Google Doc, you may not be able to annotate directly within the submission. 



For documents submitted from Microsoft Word, you can: 

  1. Add comments within the text.
  2. Draw on the submission.
  3. Highlight text.
  4. Add additional text to the document.
  5. Strikeout text.



If your professor has provided a rubric to use, a link will appear on the right side of the screen that says “Show Rubric.”if-your-professor-provided-a-rubric--click-the--ldquo-show-rubric-rdquo--link-to-see-the-rubric-rati.png


Fill in the rubric, and click the “Save Comment” button on the bottom left of the rubric window.  



You can add comments to the “Add a Comment” box on the right side of the screen.  You must leave at least one comment for your peer review to be complete.  When you have completed your comments, click the “save” button.

  • Other options available for leaving feedback include “Attach a File” or “Media Comment”.  When completing a peer review, you will not be able to see teacher’s or other peers’ comments.



To view your peers’ comments on your submission, navigate to your submission by clicking "Assignments" on the left side of the page.



Locate and click the assignment title.



In the “Submission” box on the right side of the screen, click "Submission Details”.



If you uploaded a document or submitted a Google Doc, and the reviewer made annotated comments, click the “view feedback” button to the right of the submission title to view them.



If your professor provided a rubric, click the “Show Rubric” link to see the rubric ratings.  All peer review comments will appear on the sidebar on the right of the screen.



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