Welcome to Model Course: The Genetic Century
This Biology course for non-Biology majors aims to “provide students with a basic understanding of genetic principles and the many ways that genetics affects daily life as well as the ability to make informed decisions involving genetics” (see the course structure and grading policies). Canvas features such as Quizzes are used to help students appraise their own knowledge, and build and share knowledge with others. Through the calendar, the site also guides students in preparing for class sessions and completing tasks for the course.
What to look for
Page collaboratively edited by students contributing information from the field
Pages presenting topics researched in groups
Page highlighting Library resources and services for presentations and in general
Quizzes taken at different stages for formative assessment and self-assessment
Welcome to BI142 - The Genetic Century
Instructor: Dr. Clare O'Connor, Higgins 478 clare.oconnor@bc.edu
Office hours Friday 3:30-5 or by appointment
Graduate Teaching Assistant: Karen (Zeyu) Zhu (zhuzd@bc.edu)
Class meetings: MW 3-4:15 in Higgins 300
Genetics has shaped much of human history. Prehistoric man applied genetic principles as he domesticated plants and animals, thereby providing the foundations for civilization. Our modern understanding of the gene is relatively recent, beginning with Gregor Mendel in 1865. Almost another century elapsed before DNA was identified as the physical carrier of hereditary information. During the last 50 years, rapid advances in technology have revealed the complete genome sequences of thousands of organisms, including humans. The new knowledge is radically affecting our understanding of human life, the practice of medicine and our ability to manipulate genes. In this class, we’ll discuss some of the many ways in which genetics affect our lives, including the foods we eat, disease and health care, human ancestry and evolution.
Read and become familiar with the course structure and grading policies
Download course structure and grading policies.
Group assignment
Access the guidelines Download guidelines and evaluation rubric Download rubric for the Genes in the News group assignment.
Click here for the Student Guide on using Canvas.