Model Course - Systems Analysis

This CSOM course introduces students to “a set of widely used techniques for the design and improvement of information systems” (see the detailed syllabus). To give students a sense of how they “operate in the professional world,” it takes an approach of experiential learning.  The Canvas site serves this purpose in a number of ways, prompting active responses to readings through Discussions and guiding students through the stages of a collaborative assignment.  A chronological structure and timely announcements help students keep on task with what’s next.

What to look for

Announcements with timely information to guide student preparation for class

Assignments used to administer group projects in stages

Discussions for reading reflections, with attached rubric authored in a page

Grades for communicating feedback on individual assignments and the course

Original Syllabus

  George Wyner (instructor) Christopher Byrnes (TA) Cameron Goff (TA) Alexander Moore (TA)
Voice: 617-871-0427      
Office: Fulton 410C (@Fulton410C)  TBA  TBA  TBA
Office Hours:

M 12-1:30, W 1-5, F 1-4



Useful Resources

  • See recent announcements.
  • See a list of current Assignments (more homeworks will be posted as the semester progresses).
  • Downloadable resources such as readings and slides are available in the folders on the Files page.
  • Detailed syllabus including course policies (also downloadable as a  Download PDF). 
  • Click on each lecture in the schedule below for a detailed agenda for that day's class.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due