Course Launch Checklist
Please complete the following steps and then PUBLISH your course.
Ensure that the Syllabus is correct, up-to-date, and visible. This can include sharing your syllabus to the Syllabus Search program, or linking to the file on your Canvas homepage. Please note: the Files area is not accessible to students by default; to change this, see the guide to modify your course navigation bar.
Request activation as needed: i>Clicker
Links to an external site., Lecture Capture,
Links to an external site. Course Reserves
Links to an external site.
Links to an external site..
Check your recommended Course Settings.
Check your Notification Preferences to ensure your contact information is current.
Add individuals associated with the course (TAs, Designers, Librarians, etc.). Verify that the correct users were added through the People tab. (Add People directions) (User Roles Defined)
Links to an external site. your course. Once a course site is published, students enrolled in the course will be granted access within 24 hours.